sábado, 27 de febrero de 2021

Week 20: 24 February, 2021- Present continuous and objects

- Revision of the use of present simple and present continuous with Friday evening activities.

- Practical English: in a clothes shop: here/there/over there and this/these, that/those.

- Unit 6A: object pronouns: exercises 1, 2 and 3.


-Exercises of 5C and 6A from the workbook.

lunes, 22 de febrero de 2021

Week 19: Can and Present continuous

On Monday:

- Practice with true sentences with adverbs and expressions of frequency.
- TV competitions and can/can't: grammar and pronunciation.
- Noisy neighbours and present continuous.

On Wednesday:

- Mimicking of present continuous and spot the difference pages 191 and 196.
- Vocabulary: the weather and seasons.
- Present simple vs present continuous.


- Reading pages 72 and 73 and exercises 3a and 3b page 73.
- Writing page 201: posting on social media. Write posts to say what you're doing on holiday.

jueves, 11 de febrero de 2021

Week 18: 8 & 10 February- Modals can/can't and results of the test

 On Monday:
- Revision of frequency adverbs and expressions.

- Pronunciation of /h/
- More verb phrases for vocabulary
- Use of can/can't.
- Sentence stress

- Unit 4C, exercise 3c: make true sentences with the expressions.
- 3&4 Revise and check, David Guetta reading.

On Wednesday:
- Evaluation: feedback on the test: reading and listening comprehension and writing.
- Reading on David Guetta and listenings.

Por favor, si tenéis un momento haced este cuestionario de evaluación, nos ayuda mucho a mejorar nuestro trabajo y a hacernos una idea mejor de vuestra opinión y situación: Mid-course questionnaire

jueves, 4 de febrero de 2021

Week 17- 1 & 3 February , 2021- February test and Saint Valentine in the library

 On Monday:

- We have the oral test on a videoconference

On Wednesday:

- We have the grammar, vocabulary and reading/ listening and writing parts.
- We get a Saint Valentine library loan.
- We practise question formation in speaking.
- We sing Eternal Flame

Week 21: 10th & 12th February, 2025- Present continuous

- We revised verb phrases for vocabulary. - We saw how to use can/can't - We did a questionnare on abilities and talents . - We learnt ...