miércoles, 22 de septiembre de 2021

Week 2: 20th &22 September, 2021- The beginning of the course

- Here you have the Entry checker Answer Key. Aquí tenéis las claves de respuesta para el folleto gris de repaso del curso A1.

- This week we finished 1A and started 1B with a listening and vocabulary on describing people.

Homework: do the grey pages of 1A and some of the exercises of the Entry Checker, the ones you don't remember. Remember not to do units 10, 11 or 12.

miércoles, 15 de septiembre de 2021

Week 1: 15th September 2021-The first steps of the new course


Dear students, welcome to the new year!!
I hope you enjoy this course and have a rich and gratifying learning experience at the school.

On Wednesday:
- We got familiar with the school and COVID organisation.
- We had a look at the book of the course.
- We asked questions to the teacher and to a classmate.

Week 16: 13th & 15th January, 2025- We resume classes

- We revised connected speech . - We saw daily habits and routine . - We saw connecting words  in a writing - We revised question formation...