lunes, 20 de diciembre de 2021


  • Week 14:  13th of December and 15th of December, 2021- Present Continuous ( for Future)
Monday : Corrected Reviewed questions with Going to
Explaines Present Continuous for future arrangements.
Grammar Bank 3A and 3B
Pgs 40 and 41

Homework Pgs: 48 and 49

Wednesday: Questions with going to on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, etc
Explained Defining Relative Clauses
  Corrected Pg 48 and 49
Homework: Pg 50

viernes, 3 de diciembre de 2021


  • Week 12:  29th of November and 2nd of December, 2021- Be going to ( Plans and Predictions)

Monday: Revision of Questions. Corrections of Grammar handout on Past simple and continuous.
Pg. 38 of book 3A and 39 b and c
Homework: pg 46 and 47

Wednesday: Explanation of "Going to" for plans and predictions
Correction of Homework pg 46 and 47
Finished pg 39 e, f and 4 Grammar.

Homework: Grammar Bank 3A


  • Week 11:  22nd and 24th of November, 2021- Time sequencers and connectors

Questions revision
Correction of Grammar bank 2C pg 214
Video on pg 29 . Happy ending and Sad ending

Questions about travelling
Revise and check pg 30 and 31( Reading How to take better holiday photos
Handout from English File old edition Grammar revision on Past simple and continuous.

Week 33: 20th & 22nd May

  -  How to keep in touch with English: - British Council A1  Listening - British Council A1 Reading - British Council A1 Writing - British ...