lunes, 28 de marzo de 2022

 Week 26:  21st of  March and 23rd of March, 2022.Will

MondayCorrected Hw 80,81 and 5C grammar

Quantifiers 3 grammar pg 73 ex.a,b
Unit 6A. Opposite verbs.Expalined Grammar Will. Structure.. Listening Pg84.  4-a,b
HW. Pg 92,93
Wednesday: Corrected Hw. Did Pg.86                                                                                 Reading. Dictation 6.11. Listening d Pg86.
                                                                        Writing: Pg 203. Hw. Writing a formal e-                                                                             mail (c,d ) pg 203.

miércoles, 23 de marzo de 2022

Week 25:  14th of  March and 16th of March, 2022.Too, Too much, Too many.

Corrected 78-79 and 5B

Moday: Descibing town or city. Writing pg202. Pg 69 listening and pg 70 Vocabulary and grammarand reading pg 71

Wednesday:Questions and corrected hw

Did Listening Pg 71.Speaking exam practice. Hw 80,81 and 5C grammar

lunes, 14 de marzo de 2022

 Week 24:  7th of  March and 9th of March, 2022.Comparatives and Superlatives

Monday: Corrected 60 and 61

Did Reading & speaking pg 68 and pg 69 Vocabulary a-e

HW 76 y 77c,d

Wednesday: Corrected hw

Explained Comparatives and Superlatives. Pg 221. 5A (a and b)Writing an informal e-mail pg 201. Did exercise f - pg 69

HW. Writing and e-mail from Certification exam A June 2020

lunes, 7 de marzo de 2022

 Week 23:  28th of February and 2nd of March, 2022. Something, anything, nothing...

Monday 28th: No Class

Wednesday 2nd: Explanation of something , anything, nothing.......

Corrected HW. pg 66,67 and grammar 218-4C

Did Pg 59.

HW Revision. Pg 60 and 61

 Week 22:  21st of February and 23rd of February, 2022. Present Perfect versus past simple

Monday 21st: Grammar 4B and Speaking Pg 57.

Corrected Reading of Matt Damon and Pg 65.

Wednesday23rd: Questions revision ( Have you ever ? ) and Pg 57 and 58 Reading about 4 tweets.

Hw: Pg 66,67 and Grammar Pg 218 -4C

Week 21: 10th & 12th February, 2025- Present continuous

- We revised verb phrases for vocabulary. - We saw how to use can/can't - We did a questionnare on abilities and talents . - We learnt ...