domingo, 17 de septiembre de 2023

Week 1: 13th September, 2023- Welcome to the course!


En nuestro primer día nos familiarizamos con nuestros nombres, conocimos la escuela un poco y revisamos la información general para alumnos de la página web.  Vimos juntos el libro que vamos a usar y os di una hoja para rellenar sobre vuestra experiencia con el inglés. Terminamos con una canción, Friday I'm in Love by The Cure,

On our first day we got to know our names, had a look at the school and revised the general information for students on the web. We saw the book we're going to use and you got a profile sheet. We finished with a song Friday I'm in Love by The Cure,

Week 21: 10th & 12th February, 2025- Present continuous

- We revised verb phrases for vocabulary. - We saw how to use can/can't - We did a questionnare on abilities and talents . - We learnt ...