miércoles, 21 de abril de 2021

Week 27: 19th & 21st April, 2021- Countable and uncountable nouns

On Monday:

- We revised some food words with the quizz in the book (9A).
- We did vocabulary bank together.
- We practise a/an/some/any for countable and uncountable nouns.
- We completed 9A and finished with a speaking about our last day's food.

On Wednesday:

- We practised countable/uncountable nouns with a shopping list.
- We saw quantifiers and containers for food.
- We studied the use of how much/ how many/ a little/ a few/ none.
- We did a writing in the past for Gema to correct.

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Week 16: 13th & 15th January, 2025- We resume classes

- We revised connected speech . - We saw daily habits and routine . - We saw connecting words  in a writing - We revised question formation...