jueves, 6 de mayo de 2021

Week 29: 5th May, 2021- Last day activities


This last day we did a lot of oral practice, we:

- Practised comparatives
- Practised be going to for plans
- We practised be going to for predictions
- We sang a song by Queen, Who wants to live forever.
- We revised many of the year's activities.
- We ate cakes!
- We gave Guadalupe her competition prize!
- I received a beautiful present in the card and the bag, thanks a lot!!

- These are the results of the year- Resultados de notas y fechas de los exámenes.

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September 11th, 2024- Welcome to the course

  Queridos alumnos, os doy la bienvenida a este curso 2024-2025. Espero que sea un año de aprendizaje y también de buenos momentos en clase ...