jueves, 11 de abril de 2024

Week 27: 8th & 10th Abril, 2024- More past tense, regular and irregular verbs


- We revised the past forms of the verb to be.
- We saw the past suffix -ed for regular verbs.
- We practised the pronunciation of -ed suffix.
- We read about the past of irregular verbs.

- Workbook for 7A and 7B
- Story in the past using the verbs in ex. 3b on page 7B
- Study the list of irregular verbs at the end of the student's book.

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September 11th, 2024- Welcome to the course

  Queridos alumnos, os doy la bienvenida a este curso 2024-2025. Espero que sea un año de aprendizaje y también de buenos momentos en clase ...