viernes, 15 de noviembre de 2024

Week 10: November 11th & 13th, 2024- Present simple of verbs and

- We revised what we do and don't do with the verbs in the present simple on the vocabulary page.

- We practised adapting the cards of a game to our reality.

- We corrected the oppossites worksheet.

- We completed an exercise on Eternal Flame, by The Bangles and sang a little bit ;-))

- Homework: photocopies, workbook up to 3A and recording: Read aloud (lee en voz alta) and record (graba) the conversations on the book 2C exercise 3b.

Here you have the explanation on how to record/ explicación de cómo usar la grabadora online.

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Week 21: 10th & 12th February, 2025- Present continuous

- We revised verb phrases for vocabulary. - We saw how to use can/can't - We did a questionnare on abilities and talents . - We learnt ...